Tips for running your first half marathon

After the 2014 Disney Princess Half Marathon. It bugs me that my medal is flipped the wrong way – but hey, at least King Triton made a cameo.

It’s gonna be May – oh wait, it IS May. We’re heading into peak spring racing season. Cities all around the world are ramping up to host their annual marathon weekends. In Calgary, we’re a few weeks away from Calgary Marathon race weekend. I’m volunteering as a pacer for the first time, leading the 2:20 continuous group in the half marathon. Thinking about signing up? Register here!

It seems like the full marathon distance is the ultimate goal for runners. We tend to forget about the half marathon – it’s a damn huge accomplishment! It takes training. Mental toughness. Physical challenge. Grit may pull you through, but preparation and training will make it way better.

I ran my first half marathon in 2014 at Disney Princess. In a few weeks, the Calgary Half Marathon will mark number 16 (and my second time running this race). These days I tend to act like it’s no big deal, because I’m usually training for one race or another. Heck, I barely follow a training plan sometimes. But running a half marathon IS a big deal. IT IS. If you’re running your first half marathon soon (or maybe you could use some reminders), here are a few things I’ve learned along the way:

Respect the distance. It’s not “just” a half marathon. You are running 21.1 kilometres. Do you know how many people can do that? Very few. This is not meant to scare you but prepare you. You can do it!

Start slow. Don’t gun it off the start line, as much as you might want to. It’s easy to get caught up in the race day excitement and literally swept away with the other runners. SLOW DOWN. There will be plenty of time to pick it up later.

Take a walk break if you need. It will help you, not hurt you. There is NO shame in walking during a race. Walk up the hills. Walk through the water stops. Whatever you need to do. You will finish.

Figure out your fuel. Your body will need something during the race – I’m talking water, electrolyte and/or nutrition. Utilize the race’s water stops, carry a water bottle or a few gels in your pocket. Those training runs are the time to test out what works for you. Here’s what I eat before, during, and after a long run or race.

Nothing new on race day! No race shirt, no fancy socks or flashy headband you picked up at the expo. You never know what might chafe, itch, or blister if you’ve never run with it before.

Leave expectations at the start line. I know it’s tough to go into a race without a desired finish time. But if it’s your first half marathon, your number one goal is to finish upright and smiling.

I love half marathons. They’re my favourite race distance. Challenging, fun, and an awesome accomplishment. (I talked more about this in a recent episode of the Healthy Living Holly Podcast). I can’t wait to return to the Calgary Half Marathon in a few weeks and lead a group of runners to the finish line. If you’re running your first half marathon this season, good luck – you got this!

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